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Ash body
390 - 410 grams
2"wide x 6"tall
1.8 micron ribbon tuned to 18.5-20KhZ. Flat to 5db between 200hZ and 17KhZ
built to order. 1.2 or 1.8 micron ribbon. 1:35 or 1:28 transformers available.

Blonde (Ash)

  • Ash is the first step in adding the wood tone you want to your recordings. The entire chassis is precision milled to accept our standard transducer with Cinemag transformer. it does not dampen internal resonance as fast as the Black Beauty, but lends more of the real wood character to your next recording session. It is open and honest just like the Black Beauty but adds the wood resonance to the upper mids and lends a bit more air. After 2 years of testing these mics, this one is the guitarists best friend. Good on Acoustic and cabs.
    All of our mics come with a robust waterproof case and microfiber sock. Don't forget to pick out a shock mount!

    These microphones are made with natural materials and grain patterns will vary from mic to mic.

    Balanced pairs are available for an additional $125. Includes a larger water tight case.

FEATHER Microphones

  • YouTube Round
  • Soundcloud  Round
  • Google+ Black Round



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