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390 to 405 Grams
2" wide by 6" tall
1.8 micron ribbon tuned to 18.5-20KhZ. Flat to 5db between 200hZ and 17KhZ 1:28 twin bobbin output transformer.
Machined from a solid block of voidless laminated birch.
Contact Feather Microphones if you need a custom
mic made just for you.

Black Beauty

  • The Black Beauty is our standard mic, but its performance is anything but standard. The voidless birch laminate is quick to dampen unwanted resonance while still providing high frequency extension with a smooth roll off. It is the most neutral of all our mics. Open and honest.
    All mics come with a robust, waterproof case and protective microfiber sock. Don't forget to add a shock mount to your order!

    These microphones are made with natural materials and grain patterns will vary from mic to mic.

    Balanced pairs are available for an additional $125. Includes a larger water tight case.

FEATHER Microphones

  • YouTube Round
  • Soundcloud  Round
  • Google+ Black Round



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